Okay..so the drama has begun to cease at our home. Things are getting back to normal, if our house every falls under that category. Ha Ha As most of you know, Christopher started middle school this past year and I was ssoooo nervous about the whole different school, not close to home, being exposed to different children that are from totally different homelives than the one he has been brought up in. NOT that our homelife is perfect but...let's face it, some of these kids are from rough, tough, just down right SCARY homes. BUThe brought home his 1st progrees report last night and he has Honor Roll and straight A's in Conduct(not that behavior is an issue) he usually is very nice and saves that all up for ME!!!! Heehee But, I would rather he perform well at school and act out for me any day. I am so proud of him, he is even spearheading a campaign and running for a Student Government Executive Position. He did his speech this AM on the morning show and I was all teary eyed. AAAHHHHH!!! Get it all out, ha ha. Nothing is more rewarding than when they get to the age that you are not at their side and they take those steps alone and you watch and realize that they are in the right direction. Not that the hard part is over but seeing that when I am not there, he can excel, makes me feel like...it's gonna be okay. Thanks for reading..Have an awesome day!!